
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Goodbye! I quit!

I wasted by whole fifth grade life on comics and meap,im tired of it! It's time to make changes! Ferdison and Amechi took alot of advantage of me. i dont care! Meap over! I got other stuff to do! Anyways i dont want to continue meap because it's all ready a registered copyright by the government! Im not going to juvy because of some stupid hand. Plus i gave away my blogger account to Ferdison and he lost it. It had mky email too! Im doomed because of them! Now im going to get hacked! Now i have to move to stupid wordpress aagain or start blogger all over! But still my email will get hacked!It belongs to my mom! Nice job ferdison. sorry but i got my own things to do. So far i wasted my whole 5th grade on comics and meap! ITS OVER! GOODBYE! BUT STILL KEEP CHECKING FOR UPDATES HERE BECAUSE ME AND KORBEN ARE GONNA MAKE THINGS BETTER THAN MEAP! A MULTIPLAYER GAME LIKE CLUBPENGUIN WERE U CAN CHAT!!!! im really just mad at ferdison

so stay on this site for no until i delete in.

countdown to meap site being deleted coming soon!!!!!!!!!!

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