
Sunday, May 9, 2010


Im making a company called RETROSOFT. Plus I might still do stick chat as well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stick chat non-multiplayer version has comeout!

stick chat has come out! except it's the non multiplayer version.
you may be asking! why am i posting the game if it's not multiplayer yet?
because i want to keep u guys focused on the game, anyways it turns out it is going to be a while after it goes multiplayer.
updates on the game coming soon!
for now on the game u cant walk but soon you can!

here aare images!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

why stick chat server crashed!?

it crashed because meap the game was getting alot of traffic and already millions of people were going on the meap site. it over crowded and the server couldnt stand it.

i also think that someone hacked the stick chat site (sc)?? was it to get rid of sc and keep meap?? are people fighting to keep meap by hacking stick chat?

stcik chat but not meap server attacked!!!!!!!???

stick chat server ip was attacked! i dont get it? why waasnt the meap server attacked? was it because i hosted 2 websites with the same IP???????????

Here what they said, the meap and stick chat hosters said:

Server #35 is under the DDOS attack (IP Nullrouted)
We have just received a HUGE (over 3GB/s incoming traffic) DDoS attack targeting the Server #35. Our CISCO guard firewall was unable to handle such attack, so one of the server IP address - was disabled (all the rest websites on this server are working fine).

If your website is using this IP (due to unique IP rotation system only 3% websites are using this IP) it will be unavailable for the next 6 hours. As soon attack will subside, this IP address will be enabled and your website will start working again. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

what! so not fair! i freakin had to restart the whole stick chat website! now i need to start the site all over!!! not fair!

the server will be back in 6 hours. in six hours i will give you the stick chat website link!

No goodbvye cya just yet

no goodbye cya just yet! because me Fdude, Amechi, Goofballjr, Jonnathan, me, and korbent are making stick chat.

stick chat is an online commenuty where you chat and make new friends. earn coins and play game. buy 24/7 24/7! coming soon in may

Im sorry

im sorry ferdision, you can work on our new game called stick chat.
all i need it for you to say it too

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Goodbye! I quit!

I wasted by whole fifth grade life on comics and meap,im tired of it! It's time to make changes! Ferdison and Amechi took alot of advantage of me. i dont care! Meap over! I got other stuff to do! Anyways i dont want to continue meap because it's all ready a registered copyright by the government! Im not going to juvy because of some stupid hand. Plus i gave away my blogger account to Ferdison and he lost it. It had mky email too! Im doomed because of them! Now im going to get hacked! Now i have to move to stupid wordpress aagain or start blogger all over! But still my email will get hacked!It belongs to my mom! Nice job ferdison. sorry but i got my own things to do. So far i wasted my whole 5th grade on comics and meap! ITS OVER! GOODBYE! BUT STILL KEEP CHECKING FOR UPDATES HERE BECAUSE ME AND KORBEN ARE GONNA MAKE THINGS BETTER THAN MEAP! A MULTIPLAYER GAME LIKE CLUBPENGUIN WERE U CAN CHAT!!!! im really just mad at ferdison

so stay on this site for no until i delete in.

countdown to meap site being deleted coming soon!!!!!!!!!!



Monday, April 12, 2010

Meap Cheats #1

One cheat is if you click on mission 1 it doesnt show up. If you want to control each of the game frames and go backwards and go back to the main menu then right click and press back or foward or loop or the other buttons to control the game. This is a cheat.

Meap Complaints

Everyone is complaning that im not including Ferdisons name enough! Thats not true! He will be in the game! In fact he already is! Also Ferdison is the creater of Meap! So dont bother me! Bother him! LOL. I wonder if he has a website? Pianomasters ferdison? PIANO MASTERS??????????

Plus people are complaining that when they try to play mission 1 it doesnt work. Im almost done with mission 1!

Meap Complete!

Hey guys! Meap is complete.
Go to to play!
The game is complete i just need to make mission 1

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Started Meap All Over due to the fact that the game freezes my computer


Applebye here! Meap has been restarted almost completely due to the fact that one of the rooms was causing my computer to go slow. I dont get what was wrong because i just created a GIF animation image i made in photoshop for one of the rooms so it looks like meap was swimming but wierdly enough it was going really slow! I still dont get what the problem was because all i did was made a animation! Maybe i should make a FLA. animation but still im not good with FLA. animations and also whats the point so i restarted meap all over again. im still using the same graphics though.

Honestly the most annoying thing about making meap the game is that Amechi and Ferdison keep on bothering me about when the game was coming out. Well it is almost done!!!!

Beta Testers:

I decide the beta testers! no one else!! Jonathan needs to shut up and let me decide. Plus morgan is not a beta tester either because he is mean!!

Here are the real beta testers

  • Johnathan
  • Applebyte
  • Applebeets
  • Me
  • John
  • BenTorres
  • Amechi
  • Ferdison
  • Fernando
  • RED
  • Cannonturtle
  • 090PTIME
  • Gator360

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Look what meap found!

Haha! Made u read!

Mma Fist hats for everyone! (coming soon)

Hello it's fist here,

coming soon i will be selling MMA fist hats for yll to buy! It will cost $4,345


just kidding1 it will really cost $11! Or maybe less, more info coming soon!

Fist babies!

fist's mommy here,

Hello my name is Fummy, im fists mom, anyways, i met this guy named Fabe and he was really cute.

I picked him up named and heres what e said.................

This is what fist says to me everyday!

Fist bumps!

Hello guuys!

Fist here! I hope you saw a picture of the obamas fist bumping! Thats right! fist is way better than meap!!!!!

Fist Takes over punks!

ello my name is Fist!
Im taking over this website for a while! Hope you hate me punks! Im crashing in!
More about me coming soon loosers! Here is a picture of me crashing through the walls!

Meap is here!

Hello my name is Meap,

This is my site! It is new but it's getting ready for luanh. it is still in progress! including anouthor Meap game im creating all about me!

Our copyright is Meapers not MEAP! meap is already a copright not owned by us so we made our copyright meapers! be sure to check out this site! Hope you like it!

So far our authors are:
